Connecting on Car Data at Handelsblatt

The international Handelsblatt Conference (5-6 February)—held in Munich and produced by Germany’s leading business newspaper—is always an interesting place to meet leaders in the connected car data ecosystem and share experiences and ideas about car data utilization. It’s a strategic event, and I’m really excited to be giving a keynote presentation on Wednesday February 5, during the opening morning of the conference.

This year, I’ll be presenting some of the initial results from a new consumer survey, sponsored by Otonomo and fielded in December and January by SBD Automotive: How EU Consumers Regard Connect Car Data and Privacy. With more than 2,500 responses from consumers in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, this survey now represents one of the biggest repositories of European consumer opinions on car data utilization. I’ll be sharing insights on some questions that matter to OEMs and service providers, for example:

  • Are car owners even aware that their connected cars can share data with OEMs?
  • How open are they to sharing vehicle data for aggregate insights and personal services?
  • What factors encourage consumers to share more data and earn their trust?

The survey covered a lot more ground, including the connected car services in which consumers are most interested, their general attitudes about data privacy, their trust in automotive OEMs, and the perceived impact of GDPR. My team will be sharing those findings over the course of the next few months.

p.s. The survey data is not the only reason to follow Otonomo at Handelsblatt Conference; we’ll be sharing other news as well. So don’t miss the keynotes and do reach out to us!

My team and I would really like to meet up with you while we’re in Munich. Click here to schedule a time.

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